The Who is Who of yarns

In the chart given below you can find Information about the different naming and weight information about yarns in US standards versus european standards.

If you find any mistakes, please let me know !

Type of Yarns
Hooksize in mm
Us Hook range
fingering1.6–1.46, 7, 8, B1
sock, fingering, baby2.25—3,5B 1 to E4
sport, baby3,5 - 4,5E4 to 7
DK, light worsted4,5 - 5,57 to I 9
Worsted weight, Afghan, Aran5,5 - 6,5I 9 to K 10,5
Chunky, craft, rug6,5 - 9K 10,5 to M13
Bulky9 +M13 +

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